Whitestone Project



For years Living Waters Ministry has committed itself to being an instrument that God would use to perform his promise to heal the brokenhearted. By God’s grace, we have seen miraculous evidence of God‘s faithfulness in this area. For over 20 years we have witnessed the broken become whole, weak become strong, marriages become mended, and countless ministries restored. We are amazed by God’s grace and we believe the best is yet to come. In that spirit we are excited to inform you of an opportunity to expand our reach and increase our impact. We have an incredible opportunity to acquire an amazing piece of property in Kingston, Tennessee, just outside of Knoxville. You can see pictures and details about this wonderful property on this page, as well as here.

However, in order to make this dream a reality we need your help. We are asking for your help in two specific ways. First of all, we are asking for your prayers. We really believe that the prayers of the righteous accomplish much. Secondly, we need your partnership. We are still $500,000 short of what we need. Your sacrificial financial support of this endeavor would help us to reach more people and make a greater impact on so many lives. Maybe you or someone that you know has been blessed and impacted by this ministry. Would you prayerfully consider sowing back
into the field you have harvested from?

We believe we have a strategy that will help us reach our goal.
We are believing God for:
• One 100,000 dollar gift
• Four 50,000 dollar gifts
• Ten 10,000 dollar gifts
• One hundred 1,000 dollar gifts
• One hundred 100 dollar monthly gifts to support the ministry

We are asking you to seek God and ask if and how He would like you to partner with us. Over 1,800 leaders leave ministry a month because of burnout. We believe with your help and your support we can be Living Water to dry and thirsty souls. Your prayerful support is needed by April 25th. You can give by calling our office, or by Paypal below. Your donation is fully tax deductible.

Yours Truly,
Lee and Denise Boggs

4803 Old Vashti Rd. • Hiddenite, NC 28636