The Best Resolution

January 9, 2018 // Denise Boggs

The New Year is here and everyone is thinking about New Year’s resolutions. Common resolutions are: more exercise, a diet, or to be a better spouse. Any of these are a good idea, BUT, the best and most effective of all resolutions is to spend more time with God, growing in your relationship with Him. As we grow we get to see His plan and purpose for our life unfold.

In my own life I have observed that the more time I spend in the Word, the deeper my relationship with God grows. As we grow in our relationship, the purposes of God unfold right before our eyes. I love to write in my journal to capture the whole process. It’s so exciting, especially at the end of the year, to look back and see all that God has done!

So if you are interested in getting started, I have a couple suggestions that I know will help you:

1. Be more intentional about a quiet time.

2. Choose a good devotional book and journal.

3. Look up the suggested Scriptures for each day.

4. Write the Scripture out on a 3 by 5 cards and meditate on the it through-out the day.

5. Write down in your journal what you are hearing the Lord speak to your heart about each Scripture.

6. At the end of the week read what you wrote in your journal about each Scripture and write down any additional revelation you have.

This daily discipline will help you not only grow, but also see how the Lord works according to His Word. As you see God move upon His Word, your anticipation and faith will increase rapidly!

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